
Una superarma rusa a las puertas de Estados Unidos

The Russian frigate Admiral Gorshkov equipped with super-sonic missiles of the Zircon type arrived a while ago in the capital of Cuba, Havana. As a result, the Russian ship is only 180 kilometers from the nearest American coast. The Russian visit has attracted the attention of many experts from around the world since, if nothing else, it escalates tensions between Washington and Moscow.

When it was first revealed that Russian warships with Zircons would visit Havana for naval exercises, many American experts – including military personnel – said the Russian vessels would pose unprecedented threats to the United States. Never before has an enemy hypersonic missile come so close to the American interior as the Zircon.

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US territory is protected by various weaponized defense systems such as Patriot air defense systems etc. The Russians report that their Zircon and other hypersonic missiles can penetrate the US air defense umbrella, which if true leaves critical targets exposed within the United States. How could this not worry Washington?
Soon arriving in Havana, Cuba is the Russian nuclear powered submarine Kazan with equally deadly equipment.

A Russian warship with super-sonic Zircon missiles approached the coast of the Estados Unidos from a distance of 180 kilometers.

A Russian Superweapon on America’s Doorstep

In more detail, the Russian frigate Admiral Gorshkov equipped with super-sonic missiles of the Zircon type arrived a while ago in the capital of Cuba, Havana. As a result, the Russian ship is only 180 kilometers from the nearest American coast. The Russian visit has attracted the attention of many experts from around the world since, if nothing else, it escalates tensions between Washington and Moscow.

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Admiral Gorshkov is one of the most modern warships of the Russian Navy. It is capable of carrying super-sonic Zircon missiles, which fly at extreme speed and can maneuver making intercepting them a real challenge. Even the most advanced Western missile defense systems would probably be unable to shoot down this missile under ideal conditions.

In the context of the Russian warship formation in Cuba, let us inform you that Moscow’s nuclear-powered submarine Kazan, which also carries cruise missiles and hypersonic missiles, is expected to dock in the port of Havana soon. The arrival of 2 powerful Kremlin warships in such close proximity to the American coast has caused tremendous concern in the Pentagon, especially because of the tension in US-Russian relations.

When it was first revealed that Russian warships with Zircons would visit Havana for naval exercises, many American experts – including military personnel – said the Russian vessels would pose unprecedented threats to the United States. Never before has an enemy hypersonic missile come so close to the American interior as the Zircon.

Why Are Americans So Concerned?

As mentioned above, hypersonic weapons are killer missiles that can fly at a faster speed than the missiles launched to intercept them. This fact combined with the ability of some hypersonic missiles to maneuver in flight makes these munitions very difficult targets for even the most powerful air defense systems.

US territory is protected by various weaponized defense systems such as Patriot air defense systems etc. The Russians report that their Zircon and other hypersonic missiles can penetrate the US air defense umbrella, which if true leaves critical targets exposed within the United States. How could this not worry Washington?

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